'In it for the Game not the Money,' says genius entrepreneur Gary Vee.
We try.
I try.
I do.
But how to translate his use of social media for his conglomeracy into my little corner of clown niche?
The Bottom Line?
I see posting on here, YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, Quora, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc, as the modern equivalent of - FOR FREE - putting up posters for my shows. As I did back in the day around Aldeburgh. In the doctors surgery. In the pub and the charity shop.
The church porch only if my show's material was swear-free.
And why wouldn't you, says Gary Vee.
Whose game I play.
I do.
I try.
Just that - the video kvetch - there's always someone with that bigger game.
Not a surprise in my case, given that clown niche, my age, that I don't sing anything composed later than 1937 or dance anything post-Nutcracker.
But still, let's put the trainers on - £12.99 - and get out and play.
#socialmediamarketing #motivation #GaryVee #socialmedia #YouTube #Quora #Facebook #Instagram #SocialMedia #Pinterest #LinkedIn
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