Two audience members recently asked my favourite ever questions: 'Would you please come and repeat this talk at the Two Rivers Festival' and 'I know it would make it the third time, but please bring the tutu talk back to Wilderness? I like watching you walk new punters into your jokes...'
And, punter two added, watch them wonder from the off, How on earth? Why on earth? Who on earth? What on earth? Falling in love with Stacks, the Royal Marine, as they go.
'Because it is, when all is said and done, the most out there Brom-Com. Two inter-hating polar opposites - front line, browbeating Royal Marine, gabby variety turn - getting to be the best of friends.'
Question to be answered in Derby: Why does Stacks call me the Daisy Ashford of war-reportage?
@derbylive @derbybookfestival #book #books #amwriting #memoir #comedy #opera
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