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Showing posts from 2020

It Came Upon the Midnight Clear

 Singing a Christmas Carol for my dad.  Meaning my next door neighbour, mate and above all spiritual dad.  Not sperm-donor dad. Oliver Hellis, my SD, aka Olidad, has seen me through Covid.   Hope you're being seen through, too. And that you enjoy the Carol.

The Devil Made Your Todger- some thoughts on sex

                                                                                                                                                          c Joanna Topley                     It's like packing a child off to school knowing someone might punch it... I sent my agent my second book. (See in bold above.)  Another piece of non-fiction, though not a follow up to  My Tutu Went AWOL . I did interview some squaddies for it. Just not this time about war.  I asked in what circumstances were folk told the facts of life - birds and bees, ...


#RainbowRevolution the new book by @magnushastings Out Now #chroniclebooks #magnushastings

The Wolf in the Poang Chair

    More thoughts on money - and being actually skint!   Mr Micawber said, 'Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen pounds, nineteen and six, result happiness.   Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery.'   Which is all you need to know, and to abide by.     Money can be such a misery we try to pretend that it's other things - credit cards, stocks and shares, the ever-so-pretty sounding hedge fund.     And m oney-misery is universal, even for the fabulously wealthy.  As I remember the story, in the late fifties Maria Callas sang on  Granada at Eight  wearing half a million dollars of her own diamonds.   During the live TV broadcast, a brooch fell from her stole.  In time with the music and chiming with the drama, she retrieved the brooch and refastened it.   Afterwards, she waited anxiously to meet the TV company's chief e...

Weekly Round-Up

  My YouTube stories...

How to Win at Gilbert and Sullivan

  Don't ask me, I was disqualified from the competition!

My Tutu Trailer 2 - Test your smoke alarm and make stickless microwave Peche Melba

I'm Inaugurating, Madame - Where do you want me? front of what they call in Germany 'my so interesting background kitchenette'? Okay.   I had to film a social-distance tenant's inspection for my letting agents, so thought I would use it as a trailer for July 15th - not 14th as inaccurately stated in the video - when I will be the East Suffolk combined WI's first ever Zoom speaker.   Zoomer? Speamer? Zeaker? Needs a term...   Do please have a watch, like, subscribe.

Paulus YouTube Vlog - 'I have my own shelf at the library...' Do follow the above for a giggle...

Call Me Soon, Madonna Dear...

Nicely...!   Met a producer on the Barnhall Apartments balcony. Both of us recently have worked with LivLive founder Ollie Feather. Producer's been looking for a classic variety turn with a loony look. He and his cohorts agree - that's me to a tee! WTS... #

#kitchenbarre #kitchenballet #kitchenballetchallenge

Souped up Kitchen 'Giselle'. Watch in full

Lockdown Public Service Broadcast

How to Swan Queen in these troubled times  #kitchenballet #kitchenbarre #lockdownballet #kitchenballetchallenge

Lovely Review of My Tutu After Dinner

Had a treat of a night with the Capel Ladies gig... My Tutu Review 

'Pancake' Day...

                      ...I'm here all week.

Sell Me This Pen...

   Max held me at right angles to the ground and unprised my fingers from the railings.  I must have looked like one of the nannies blown out as Mary Poppins blows in.   Merrin Peeble's hooking email said, 'Hi, I'm all the way from TV land...'  She named the company. I mustn't.    When we facetimed, I saw I'd been spot on imagining Merrin as fourteen, slum-fed, with an absinthe green buzzcut. She continuously hoicked a shapeless crocheted black sweater up to her ears.   'We've had quite the laughs in the office looking at your footage,' she said, waving.  I waved back.  She waved bigger; so did I.  She frowned and gave her wave a steely quality - a wave to stop any further waving, thanks.  'And we thought you'd be totally right for something up our sleeve since this morning's production meeting.'  In her excitement she had pulled her sweater right over her head.  She screeched until she found the neck; soundi...